
Green Revolution 2022 in Urban Build up lands by Urban Planning and Architectural design for Sustainable development in India

1.0 LIVE SMART LIVE FREE IN AGRI URBAN SMART CITIES Mr. Georgie s cherian a , Mrs. Susan Thankachan b a BSc Maths Course Completed 1994 , Calicut University ,kerala b B A 2001pass out-Kerala University - Trivandrun - Kerala Contact Number - a 7560805137 , b 7560805137 Abstract - Green urban Planning & Architecture design for sustainable development aim in giving good value for goods and services both for the growers and the buyer by direct & Indirect way of farming reducing the gap between the buyer and seller as the future development projects in the land area to the edges of build up urban cities and design to produce food on a larger scale. It includes Small farms , integrated crop cultivated land and big farms or renewable parks , solar farms , wind will farms called as Urban - Farming . Urban Farming in future urban food production analysis shows that Urban Farming has multiple functions an...